Students worldwide: Win up to 10,000euro for your social enterprise ideas

Global Prize winners 2010
Here's a competition for the students of the world. 
The importance of social entrepreneurship is being recognised worldwide and is becoming ever more prevalent in the 21st century. More competitions than ever before are being created to support the entrepreneurs out there that want to make their mark and change the world for the better. If you are one of them then listen up.

The Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition is a leading edge international social business plan competition. If you are a student in higher education, in any academic institution worldwide, you are eligible to take part! So here's what you need, all applicants must be in interdisciplinary groups with a great business idea aimed at reducing poverty in the developing world. You may have a new renewable energy concept, a plan for implementing sustainable farming in Africa, or a method of producing clean water for all. Whatever your idea it must be viable, whilst also making a real positive impact on the lives of those in countries that are less fortunate.

What is the application process?
GSEC applications go through two rounds of reviews between November-December 2011 to determine the semi-finalist GSEC teams. Semi-finalist teams are then selected and paired with mentors in December. All semi-finalist teams travel to Seattle for GSEC week, Feb-27th- March 2nd 2012, at the University of Washington. The 2012 prizes will be announced in the summer of 2011.

Am I eligible to enter?

  • You must be in interdisciplinary teams
  • You must be enrolled in a higher academic institution anywhere in the world
  • You must have an innovative and viable business idea for tackling the issue of poverty in developing countries
  • Teams may be comprised of students from different institutions
What must my business plan include?
As well as information on your business idea, your business plan must demonstrate the Social Return on Investment and also provide a social impact assessment. You business plans will be assessed on the following criteria:
1) effect on the quality of life and poverty alleviation in one or more developing economies
2) financial sustainability
3) feasibility of implementation.

What are the prizes?
The most innovative business ideas will win massive cash prizes to fund the launch of their social ventures or develop them further. 
  • Grand Prize: 12,500 euro
  • Information communication and technology prize: 10,000 euro
  • Global Health Prize- 10,000 euro
  • NCIIA Invention to Venture workshop scholarships (only US teams are eligible)
How do I apply?
Review the Rules & Eligibility and the Submission Requirements prior to entering. You can then apply online from July 1st 2011. You can then enter HERE after July 1st 2011.

DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 9TH 2011 (8AM Pacific Standard Time)
Entries open July 1st 2011


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